The Giraffes - 13 Other Dimensions (1998)
"This is just me and the 8 track cassette player getting busy with pop songs and little ditties that are too mellow for the pusa or need more complicated instrumentation that the pusa can do….it's a trippy relaxing thing with some real pop gems thrown in…I put out this first one in 1998 and the idea was to make up a band of hand puppets and toys complete with a fake bio and history and I even did interviews as all the different characters…I didn't put my name on the album at all thinking that in the future someone would find it used in a store and be all perplexed by the mystery of it all...you are the only one that knows the truth!" - Chris Ballew
Slow Fly Slow / Chocolate Dimension / Hopeless (Rub It In) / Poodle Mouth / Lonely Chicken / Wither Without You / Nuthin' 2 Looz / Brain On Yer Tung /
Little Champion / Ghost Of A Bad Friend / Pale Moon / Every Crocodile / Comin' Around
Digipak Sleeve
The Tycoons - Is It Christmas Yet?, 1998 (Collective Fruit Inc.)
Cloudy Cloud / Every Other December / To Be There At Chrismas With You / Frozen Christmas
Digipak Sleeve

The Giraffes - Zero Friction, 2000 (Raw Poo 001)
Zero Friction / Rot In The Sun / Good Morning Tycoon / Don't Forget To Remember All The Good Times / Some Postman Is Grooving / Clean Machine /
Stay With Me / Poodle Mouth / Queen Of Eyes / G.R.E.A.T / Suck Or Shine / All The Good Times
Rare CD(-R?) that was sold on The Giraffes concerts

Chris And Tad - Hand Me That Door, 2000 (Orange Recordings, OR006)
"This is a duo of me and Tad from the Young Fresh Fellows…. while I play organ and guitar and harmonica and sing and tad plays drums and fake flute solo and guitar and sings….we wear layers of matching outfits like space man, ships captain, bing crosby, cowboy, tennis pro and golf caddy…the sound is a fab mix of 60s fuzz and wistful sadness…"little randy" to "sandra in short pants" to "jilted on the tarmac" to "shake your magazines"….we have another one in the works for a soon release I hope..."
- Chris Ballew
Shelby Jenkins / Jilted On The Tarmac / I Made Up My Mind / Film Party / Radio Control / Sunshine Pig / Bread and Butte / Bookstore / I Got The Blue /
Hand Me That Door / PNW Blue / Sandra In Short Pants / Town and Country / When You're Dead

The Giraffes - The Days Are Filled With Years (2000)
Giraffes In The Underworld / Kill The Cake / Black Shadow / Drunk On The Sweepings / Easy Phantom / Gone Again Gone / When She's Drunk / Bone Dry / Cypress Ghost / Mess of Doubt / Room Forever / Burned By a Summer / Headphone Sunset
"Here is the second giraffes record....more mellow and whistful it is a great record to put on during a rainy sunday and lie on the couch and think about floating around....dedicated to the memory of the late great Mark Sandman
I made this record after he died and felt kinda like a boat without a lake... favorites include "gone again gone" and "headphone sunset"….it is all over the map from pop sing along to atmosphere instrumentals…" - Chris Ballew

Chris Ballew - My First Computer, 2002 (Raw Poo, RP007)
"This is just me in the studio with the break beats and sampler making twisted party music….thick and fun….this is a limited edition release at that so get them while they are hot…I like "ant body" and "pink passenger" a lot…I was all goose bumpy with the thrill of new technology when I made this record so MY FIRST COMPUTER was an obvious title for the first one and it shows cause I threw everything including the proverbial kitchen sink in to the mix.…" - Chris Ballew
A Pig In The Orchestra / Ant Body / Red Neck Horse Head / Dial Tone / Dark Things / Dummy In The Trunk / Bright With Stars / Bad Devil / Slippery Old Toad / Come In Moon Robot / Tickle Spider Attack / Original Sunny / The Voodoo Advantage / Force of Personality
/ Low Strung Out / Stereo Nightcap / Dim Bulb Sky
Digipak Sleeve

Chris Ballew - Like To Boogie, 2003 (Raw Poo, RP008)
"This is the second loopy doopy based record of old viynl and monster beats that I did...things get more melodic and danceable here though and focused than the debut...I really like this record...its dense and if you listen to it with headphones on I think you may experience a time slip...my favorites are "like to boogie" and "cry for the
fuzz"...I sorta saw a gap in the world of DJ music where there needed to be some fun and sideways strangeness that was free from having to keep a dance floor moving all night but still had a groove...I like to dance real real tiny to this whole album..." - Chris Ballew
Like To Boogie / The Longhairs / Theme From Babypants / Pink Passenger / Butter The Skids / In My Skin / Soul Rollin / Boots Belt Stomach / Blind Fold Yourself / Chocolat Droppe / Red Hot Gumball / Built To Kill / Hot Ticket / My Style / Cry For The Fuzz
Digipak Sleeve

Creepy Stick - Creepy Stick, 2005 (Aurora Elephant Music)
"This is a duo of me and Dave Theile from the old childhood neighborhood…I have known Dave since he was just a newborn and we have been making music together
since he was 6 and I was 10….our first band was DAVID AND THE OVERTONES with me on piano and dave on drums…these days Dave plays the 3 string mostly with an
occasional turn on the skins and I do the 2 string and 4 string bass and some guitar as well…Mike Mussberger from too many Seattle bands to mention plays
drums on a few tracks as well….the sound is heavy and repetitive like SPACEMEN 3 or LOOP with odd typewriter and acoustic breaks thrown in for good measure….the
killer track is "blue ridge mountain police department" a relentless assault of guitar fun…." - Chris Ballew
Prime Rib / Fun / Tin Can Pipeline / Blueridge Mountain Police Department / Little Ronald Chamberlin / Sunburn / Sundown
Cardboard Sleeve

The Feelings Hijackers - T.F.H., 2005 (Aurora Elephant Music)
"This is a duo of me and Mike "OUTTASITE" Singleton from the band Outtasite…I do all the production and studio trickery and Mike writes lyrics and drops gravel voiced raps and singing on the tracks…the sound is close to the gorillaz
thing but more hooks and sing along bits…break beats and acoustic guitars from the backwoods mix with strings and old record feelings…from the mellow of "what the hell?" to the crush of "electric spider" to the twisted beat
interrupt stagger of "I digress" it is a sonic mish mash for your ears pleasure…" - Chris Ballew
Snakeskin And Mohogany / I Digress / Overlit / Goodbye Sunny / Ribby Rib / Love Smotherer / What The Hell? / Electric Spider / Speed Of Light / Internet Space / Travelin Around / Rising Sun / Letters From 3 AM / Smash The Blackness

The Feelings Hijackers - Skeletal Remains, 2007 (Aurora Elephant Music)
"This is the second TFH record and it is amazing!! more focused and sing along song-ish than the debut and a real sonic ear candy sweet treat delight from start to finish..."venom is no cure" is one of my all time favorite songs...
all big and killer!! then "happy birthday" is all mellow and nostalgic..."skeletal remains" is all spooky and cracking....oh there are so many catchy bits its hard to write about...you better just get it and enjoy the buffet of loopy love..."
- Chris Ballew
Soul Rollin / Venom Is No Cure / Slide The Bones / Skeletal Remains / Put The Candy Down / Deep Deep Root / Blistered and Twisted / Dirty Limousine / Butter The Skids / The Viper / Happy Birthday / Rotten Technology / Prize Fight Lost / In My Skin

Caspar Babypants - Here I Am (2009)
Small Black Ant / Little Broken Truck / Brown And Lonely Worm / Free Like A Bird / Baby Bear / Three Blind Mice / Baby In A Corn Tree / Heard A Bird / Babies Little Self / Run Away / The Island Hop / Under A Rock
/ Bug In The Cuff / Shortnin Bread / Let The S Go / Billy Pringle / Poor Dust Bunnies / Freres Jacques / Bright Bug / Monkey River / Calling From Clouds / Sleeping Baby
Cardboard Sleeve