PUSA : Solo and Side Projects.:
CD :
Vinyl :
Tape :
Compilations :.
PUSA Discography page is no longer updated. See recordings
page for more info about
The Presidents of the USA songs and recordings.
Presidents of the USA - Live Recordings (audio)
Official PUSA Music Videos
PUSA - Self Titled Album - Recording
PUSA - II Album - Recording Sessions

The Dukes O' Pop - S/T (Freshie Records), 1987
Joe / Emotional Cowboy / Jughead / Untitled / Marriage / Intermission / When I
Was Little / Tiki God / Slip away / Steve / Toy Suprise / Pop Culture /
Basketball Dream
Released with different colored covers.
EGG - Feel Better, 1987
Candy / Son of a Bitch / Jughead /Love Delicatessen / Blank Baby / Sperm Factory / I am Me / Meanhwhile Back in the City / Bill / When I Was Little / Dinner Table Breakdown of 1979 / Naked & Famous / Basketball Dream
EGG - Zip, 1988
These Are My Dreams / Naked & Famous / Flame is Love
EGG - Egg, 1988
Side A: The Moon / Memory Ball / Pavlov's Dog / Find My Tribe
Side B: Straight As Boards
EGG - Eat, 1988
The Moon / Memory Ball / Pavlov's Dog / Find My Tribe
Extremely rare tape. Around 25 copies was made.

EGG - Smell Me First, 1989
Naked & Famous / Sperm Factory / Water / A Bug in the Cuff of My Pants / Candy / Poor Little Me / I Rolled the Dice (of Love)
Caspar - Lint Cake (Raw Poo Music), 1991
Caspar - Sonic Uke, 1993
Chicken / Boll Weevil / Munky River / Home / Confusion / Stranger / Swallow /
Wah / Caspar & Bones / Hippy Happy Humping / Arkansas Angst / Kitty / Maiky Mimi
/ L.I.P. / Bone Dry / Magic

Caspar - Caspar (004 Raw Poo), 1996
Check It Out / Velvet Universe / Hand In Hand / Centepede / Dark Things / Death
Star / Xylophones In The Sky / Sandworm / Here / Dead End Lies / Code Talking
Terminate / Innocent Bird / Ribby Rib / Backporch Buddah
Jason Finn plays drums on
Check It Out.