Short news – Caspar Babypants, PUSA, TFH

Next video from the Superecord album by The Feelings Hijackers (TFH) should be up on early April. First video from the new album Soul Rollin’ has been viewed for over 42k times!

Next album by Caspar Babypants might be called AWAY WE GO! Some rumored featured artists are Outtasite, Beck, Krist Novaselic, Kim Thayil and Weird Al Yankovic. And rumored songs including Baa, Baa, Blacksheep (an English nursery rhyme), and Little Child (by The Beatles).

Of course it’s much easier to ask from the man himself, but rumours are much more fun!

Some interesting PUSA news: According to this Twitter message. There might be a Presidents of the USA live CD from the PUSAfest coming.

And the boy behind Pusabase is turning big 30 early next month (April 6), and on the very same day is turning 2 years old (correction: domain, not the site). Big party! Everyone invited!

Believe it or not, but this site does not write it self. 🙂

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