Looking for PUSA concert videos I recently purchased some new high quality video gear and I’m looking for some Presidents of the USA videos (PAL VHS or PAL SVHS). My current video editing gear is: JVC HR-7500S S-VHS deck Canopus Twinpact100 Capture device Tributaries Silver S-video cable Sony Movie Studio HD 10 Platinum Suite (software)
Presidents of the USA 2012 concert page updated I just wanted to let you know that the PUSA 2012 Tour dates page has been updated with the Pusafest 2012 show details, and all the known European tour dates has been listed. I will add missing 2012 Caspar Babypants (Chris Ballew) shows later. Thanks for your
Presidents of the USA – Bath Of Fire (Video from the Pusafest ’11) I skipped the Pusabase Xmas update this year. It was just too much work, and lately I’ve been really really stressed/burned out. Next year I’m trying to listen myself a bit more, and try to avoid any stress. Hopefully 2012 will be
Remember the rarity of the day series? I got a request about putting up all the rarities into one blog post. If you missed the series back in 2010, here’s your chance to hear some rare songs or versions you haven’t heard before (99,9% sure). I’m once again trying to gather more data for the